Your bathroom, heating and air conditioning specialist in Frankfurt am Main

Whether it’s a new build, conversion, modernisation or renovation, we are the right partner for your project. From the first consultation to the completion of your project, we are there to advise and support you.

We will create the bathroom of your dreams.

How do you imagine your new bathroom? A luxurious oasis of well-being, a practical and accessible family bathroom? Together we will realise your wishes and ideas. Come and get inspiration and ideas from our exhibition of 60 bathrooms.  Take advantage of our advice, experience and well thought-out planning. We guarantee you a quality and timely execution. Thanks to our many years of experience and expertise in bathroom renovation, you can relax without fear of dust and dirt during the work, as we are equipped with powerfull vacuum cleaners and anti-dust doors.

New heating with peace of mind

Do you want comfortable heat throughout your home and hot water, reliably and permanently during the work?

No problem! Traut Sanitär und Heizung GmbH takes care of it. No more cold showers and unheated rooms – we will be happy to provide you with a mobile heating station for the transition period.

A controlled temperature is a source of balance and relaxation.

Whether in the office, in the car, in a shopping centre, at the cinema or in the theatre, air conditioning plays a decisive role in our well-being everywhere and has become indispensable in our modern world.

Summers are getting hotter and hotter, with increasingly extreme peak temperatures and less and less cooling at night. This is why our customers also want professional air conditioning in their homes. Our air conditioners ensure a comfortable climate in hot and stuffy rooms and a relaxed and regenerative sleep at night.

We work hand in hand with leading brands and coordinate all the necessary trades for you, working with partner companies. Together with you, we define your wishes and requirements, so you can relax and be sure of top quality and the best service.

As a modern craftsman’s company in Frankfurt, we are a reliable and efficient service provider. Our employees are well-trained and strive every day to satisfy you and deliver high-quality work.

If you have any questions, please contact our sales representative,

Mr. Marius Mertzdorff
Mobil: 0175 761 91 52


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8.00 – 17.30 Uhr 
© 2025 Traut Sanitär und Heizung GmbH

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